What is the perfect size for a Toastmasters club? Not too big, not too small – like so many things in life it’s all a question of finding the right balance, and there probably isn’t a perfect answer anyway.

At Sunrise Toastmasters we have had around 50 members for some time now, and recently took the decision to officially cap the membership at 50. There is a lot of external interest in our club and you may be surprised to know that in the last year no less than 82 people enquired about joining us.
Of course, we could look for a bigger room and expand the club. However, we feel that the current size feels about right with a great mix of more and less experienced toastmasters. We feel at home in the DoubleTree.
For no particular scientific reason we usually see around 30 members each week which means we more or less fit into the room and everyone gets a chair. If all our members turn up one day then we’ll have a problem - but it’s never happened yet.
We’ll keep welcoming guests, and some will join as others decide to leave, but at least for now we are going to stick at 50.
Dallas Sunrise Toastmasters
February 2020